An invoice must contain seven pieces of important information so that it can be used by your customer to claim a credit for the GST in the purchase price.
1. If you are charging GST, your invoice must show the words Tax Invoice
2. Your business name in full
3. Your ABN
4. The date the invoice was issued
5. A brief description of the items sold, including the quantity (if applicable) and the price
6. The GST amount (if any) payable. This can be shown separately or as part of the total price
7. If GST is shown as part of the total price, there must be wording to that effect on the invoice.
8. If the invoice is for a sale of more than $1,000, you must also show the buyer’s name or ABN.
Figure 1 Source Australian Taxation Office
Figure 2 Source Australian Taxation Office
Further information can be found on the Australian Taxation Office website
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